For Teachers: Educational Resources from The New Jersey Historical Society
We are committed to providing positive educational experiences for our many diverse visitors. Education programs at the Historical Society stress the development of skills which students of all ages may transfer to other areas of their educational and personal lives. We place a premium on gallery teaching and the use of primary source material.
For more hands-on activities that teach students how to interpret primary sources, call and schedule a field trip for your class to The New Jersey Historical Society at (973) 596-8500 and ask for the Education Department or go to Curriculum Materials.
- Encourage the development of positive attitudes toward museums and libraries as places for lifelong learning
- Foster visitor’s own personally significant experiences with New Jersey history and culture
- Utilize a range of interactive approaches based on learning theory to engage visitors of all ages and developmental levels with artifacts and historic resources
BECOME A MEMBER! $25 to Join!
We invite you to become a member of The New Jersey Historical Society at the Educator level. That’s $25 annually ($15 off the regular price)! Design your own program using primary sources for your class. Do research in our world-renowned library for free and partner with a museum educator to teach a lesson/program to your class at a convenient scheduled date.
To join, contact our Membership Department: 973.596.8500 Ext 224. The financial support of members makes programs and opportunities possible for you and for future generations.
For only $25, you can help your students learn and you can grow professionally through benefits such as:
- Free admission to the museum and research library
- Half price field trips for your class
- Specially designed programs for your class (contact the Director of Education)
- 10% Discount at History Shop and advance notice of holiday sales
- Invitation to exhibition openings and special events
- Advance notification of events and programs
- Free Family Programs for your family
- Teacher’s Workshops, In-Service Workshops and Tours, which are no cost to members