Publications of The New Jersey Historical Society
A collection of books and educational materials about New Jersey history is also available for sale at The New Jersey Historical Society. Topics range from early colonial history and 19th century murders to the teenage years of the baby boomer generation and 20th century politics.
- AS WE WERE: THE STORY OF OLD ELIZABETHTOWN. By Theodore Thayer. The first English settlement in New Jersey was founded in 1664 is present-day Elizabeth, New Jersey. 1964. 280 pages. Illustrated. Cloth. $24.99
- BELLEVILLE: 150TH ANNIVERSARY HISTORICAL HIGHLIGHTS 1839-1989. By Robert B. Burnett. An overview of the history of Belleville, New Jersey, from its seventeenth-century settlement to the present. 1991. 48 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $5.00.
- THE CROSSING. By Howard Fast. The story of Washington’s crossing of the Delaware in 1776. 1984. 213 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $15.99 TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- THE DIOCESAN JOURNAL OF MICHAEL AUGUSTINE CORRIGAN, BISHOP OF NEWARK, 1872-1880. Edited by Joseph F. Mahoney and Peter J. Wosh. A Victorian Era description of the entire State of New Jersey and the state of its Roman Catholic Church. 1987. 443 pages. Illustrated. Cloth. $35.00
- THE EAST OF JERSEY: A HISTORY OF THE GENERAL BOARD OF PROPRIETORS OF THE EASTERN DIVISION OF NEW JERSEY. By John T. Cunningham. The only complete history of this unique New Jersey organization from its beginnings to the present. 1992. 204 pages. Illustrated. Cloth. $24.95.
- THE GOVERNORS OF NEW JERSEY, 1664 – 1974. Edited by Paul A. Stellhorn and Michael J. Birkner. Biographical essays of the Governors of New Jersey dating from 1664 – 1974. 1982. 261 pages. Fully illustrated. Cloth. $24.99
- JERSEY JEOPARDY. THE ORIGINAL NEW JERSEY TRIVIA GAME. Contains 400 questions divided into eight categories: New Jersey History to 1799; New Jersey History, 1800 – 1986; Geography and Government; Arts and Literature; Sports and Leisure; Science, Technology and Business; Entertainment; and Potpourri. Each category is divided into three levels – Junior, Intermediate and Senior – all in one packet. 1986. $5.00. TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- LAND USE IN EARLY NEW JERSEY: A HISTORICAL GEOGRAPHY. By Peter O. Wacker and Paul G. E. Clemens. A comprehensive, interdisciplinary study of land use in New Jersey during the period of settled field agriculture. 1995. 321 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $24.99
- THE MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF PROPRIETORS OF THE EASTERN DIVISION OF NEW JERSEY, VOL. IV: 1764-94. Edited by Maxine N. Lurie and Joanne R. Walroth. A transcription of the minutes of an organization created in 1685. 1985. 552 pages. Cloth. $30.00.
- MURDER DID PAY: 19TH-CENTURY NEW JERSEY MURDERS. Introduction by John T. Cunningham; bibliography by Donald A. Sinclair. Reprints of four original accounts of New Jersey murders. 1982. 193 pages. Illustrated. Cloth. $14.99
- NEWARK. By John T. Cunningham. The third edition of this classic book about the history of New Jersey’s oldest and largest city, updated to cover the recent resurgence of Newark and the city’s many accomplishments. 2002. 407 pages. Fully illustrated. Cloth. $39.99 TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- A NEW JERSEY ANTHOLOGY. Compiled and edited by Maxine N. Lurie. A collection of historical articles on New Jersey covering diverse chronological and topical issues. 1994. 502 pages. Paper. $24.99. TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- NEW JERSEY FROM COLONY TO STATE 1609-1789. By Richard P. McCormick. Revised edition of a general survey of the history of New Jersey from Hudson’s voyage of discovery through the ratification of the Federal Constitution. 1981. 191 pages. Paper $14.99 TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- New Jersey History—a professional research journal published twice a year. You can browse the contents pages for current and past issues below, but you must visit our library to read the articles.
Fall-Winter, 1997 No. 3
Spring-Summer, 1997 No. 1
Spring-Summer, 1998 No. 1
Fall-Winter, 1998 No. 3
Spring-Summer, 1999 No. 1
Fall-Winter, 1999 No. 3
Spring-Summer, 2000 No. 1
Fall-Winter, 2000 No. 3
Spring-Summer, 2001 No. 1
Fall-Winter, 2001 No. 3
Fall-Winter, 2002 No. 3
Spring-Summer, 2002 No. 1
Spring-Summer, 2003 No. 1
Fall-Winter, 2004 No. 3
Spring-Summer, 2004 No. 1
Spring-Summer, 2005 No. 1 - THE NEW JERSEY INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES. Curriculum workbooks for use by secondary school students. Recommended for classroom teaching and independent study. Titles: New Jersey in the American Revolution, New Jersey in the Civil War, New Jersey: The African-American Experience, and New Jersey in the Victorian Age. All published in the 1980s. $5.00 each. TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- OAKESIDE. By Inez Bull. An evocative, richly detailed pictorial guide to a Victorian-era dwelling that tells the story of the family for whom it is named. Commemorates the 100th Anniversary in 1987 of Jean Doswell Oakes’ birthday. 1992. 72 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $12.95 TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT.
- THE PAPERS OF LEWIS MORRIS: VOLUME I (1698-1730), II (1731-1737) & III (1738-1746). Edited by Eugene R. Sheridan. A three volume collection of the papers, public and private, of one of colonial America’s most important political figures. 1991, 1993. Cloth. $39.99, per volume.
- PICTORIAL GUIDE TO VICTORIAN NEW JERSEY. Collected and Edited by Robert B. Burnett. 292 Contemporary engravings from Harper’s Frank Leslies’ and other sources, 1850-1895. 1986. 182 pages. Cloth. $23.99.
- POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT OF NEW JERSEY, 1900-1980: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Edited by Benjamin Beede and Anne Brugh. Guide to literature on twentieth-century New Jersey politics and government. 1989. 420 pages. Cloth. $39.99.
- RECORDS OF THE TOWN OF NEWARK, NEW JERSEY, FROM ITS SETTLEMENT IN 1666 TO ITS INCORPORATION IN 1836. Edited by Samuel H. Congar. A transcription of the early town records of Newark. 1966. 308 pages. Paper. $19.99.
- THE SWEDES AND FINNS IN EARLY NEW JERSEY. A large format, 6-page illustrated booklet that covers the history of the New Sweden colony (1639 – 1655), as well as the customs, religion, and lasting influence of New Jersey’s Scandinavian settlers. $5.00 each. TEMPORARILY SOLD OUT
- TEENAGE NEW JERSEY, 1941-1975. Edited by Kathryn Grover. A collection of eight essays exploring the life of New Jersey teenagers from the beginning of World War II to 1975. 1997. 126 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $19.99.
- TURNPIKE TREASURES: THE SOUVENIRS AND STUFF THAT CELEBRATE AN AMERICAN PHENOMENON. By Ellen M. Snyder-Grenier. An evocative tribute to one of the 20th century’s most significant roadways and the photographs and objects created to commemorate it. 2001. 42 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $10.00.
- UNEARTHING THE INVISIBLE COLONY: HISTORICAL ARCHEOLOGY IN NEW JERSEY. Edited by Rebecca Yamin. A collection of five essays discussing architectural and archeological remains of colonial and nineteenth-century New Jersey. 1996. 111 pages. Illustrated. Paper. $19.99