Manuscript Group 1064, Marietta H. Crane Woodruff (1837 – 1912), Physician Record Book, 1873 – 1900

Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs

Manuscript Group 1064, Marietta H. Crane Woodruff (1837 – 1912), Physician

Record book, 1873 – 1900, 1 volume

Call Number: MG 1064



Case book kept by female physician Dr. Marietta H. Crane Woodruff of Boonton, New Jersey, an 1874 graduate of the New York Medical College for Women.  In each of the 1605 deliveries that Woodruff attended she noted information about the expecting parents, their names, ages, places of birth, marital status, the father’s occupation and the number of children the mother had born previously.  Woodruff gives details about the mother’s labor and the delivery of the child (including the child’s name, weight, health, and reasons for its early death in those cases where the child did not survive).   The casebook concludes with an index of surnames.

Gift of the Bernard and Rose Berg Memorial Fund, 1957.

Scope and Content Note:

Casebook, 1873-1900, kept by female physician Dr. Marietta H. Crane Woodruff (1837-1912) of Boonton (Morris County).  A graduate of the New York Medical College for Women (1874),  Dr. Woodruff practiced general medicine and obstetrics in Boonton from 1872 until her death in 1912.  Her casebook contains extensive accounts of the 604 births she attended.  Numbered entries first include information on the parents—names, place of birth, age, occupation, marital status and previous children.  Also includes notes about the labor and delivery—location, date and time; the child’s name, weight, condition, cause of child’s death, miscarriages, vaccinations and progress reports on the mother and child sometimes months after the actual delivery.

Dr. Woodruff’s casebook also contains occasional notes and comments such as the religion of the parents, single mother’s avowing the identity of the father, the birthing position, observations of the “character” of the parents and payments made.  The volume also includes two State of New Jersey “Return of Still-Birth” receipts dated 1899; an alphabetical index of surnames; and a separate sketch of Dr. Woodruff, ca. 1912.

Gift of the Bernard and Rose Berg Memorial Fund, 1957.

Related Collections:

Manuscript Group 422, Crane-Pierson Family

