A Place to Play:A Photo Contrast of Urban and Suburban Playgrounds

The Trust for Public Land , a national non-profit which conserves land for people to improve the quality of life in our communities, believes that all children need and deserve safe, accessible places to play. This one-of-a kind exhibition of photographs created by renowned National Geographic photographer Michael Yamashita for The Trust for Public Land brings to light the vast disparity between play spaces in Newark and the surrounding suburbs.

Through Parks for People—Newark, The Trust for Public Land has created six new community playgrounds in neighborhoods where children do not have adequate open space resources, and will complete a seventh park and playground in summer 2005—an overall investment of $4.4 million. These spaces are successful because of public-private partnerships and because they are designed for, and by, the children and the communities that will use them.

The exhibition will be on display from June 13 through July 29, 2005.

About The Trust for Public Land: The Trust for Public Land conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens, and other natural places, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. TPL’s Parks for People Initiative works in cities and suburbs across America to ensure that everyone–in particular, every child–enjoys access to a park, playground or open space. Parks for People seeks to address this critical need by creating parks where they are needed most, shaping the future of American cities—and American lives—for generations to come. For more information visit The Trust for Public Land website.

About the Photographer: Michael Yamashita began taking pictures in 1971 while on a self-styled “roots” trip to Japan. What began as a pastime led to a career combining his two passions—photography and travel. He has been a regular contributor to the National Geographic since 1979 and has worked in such diverse locations as Somalia and Sudan, England and Ireland, New Guinea and New Jersey.

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