825. POPE, ELIZABETH, women’s rights leader. Scrapbook, 1910-20. 1 vol. Kept by the press chairman of the New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association. Includes clippings, pamphlets, leaflets, broadsides, correspondence, articles, and speeches. She also served as...
Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 822, John Gibbs (fl. 1833-1867), Presbyterian minister Autobiography, 1867, 1 volume Call Number: MG 822 Summary Summary: Includes genealogical information on the Gibbs family. John Gibbs was...
Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 823, Isaac Doughten (fl. 1867), Merchant Financial records, 1867, 2 volumes Call Number: MG 823 Summary Related Collections Summary: Personal and business accounts of Doughten and his dry-goods...
821. SMITH, FREDERICK H. AND FREDERICK H.,JR. Business Records, 1834-1922. 105 items. Financial and legal records of a Newark family. Includes some records of Charlotte Smith, 1813; Joanna D. Smith, 1879-81; and FannieJ. Smith, 1922. Gift of Barbara G. McKenzie,...
Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 819, Thirteenth New Jersey Volunteers Records, 1862 – 1863, 88 items Call Number: MG 819 Summary Related Collections Summary: Primarily records of companies C and D. Of particular interest...
817. SUMMERS, CHARLES G., Civil War officer. Military Records, 1863-66. approx. 500 items. Primarily military records of Veteran Reserve Corps units com- manded by Lieutenant Summers and stationed in and around Washington, D.C. Includes some post-Civil War legal...
Archive Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 818, FewSmith Family Correspondence, 1844-1861, 2 volumes (typescript copies) Call Number: MG 818 Summary Related Collections Summary: Primarily of Henry FewSmith (1821-1846), a noted artist from...
814. SUSSEX COUNTY TEACHERS’ INSTITUTE Letters, 1864 – 1865. 1 vol. Written to Prof. William C. Sharpe concerning the annual Sussex County training institute for 1865. The volume also in- cludes some material concerning earlier Sussex...
815. CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD COMPANY. ATLANTIC CITY BRANCH History, ca. 1899. 1 vol. Describes the history and operations of the Atlantic City Branch, 1881-99. Purchase, 1973. Submit a request to copy part of this collection ...
816. SOMMER (J.L.) MANUFACTURING COMPANY, steel and wire specialties, job plating, Newark, N.J. Records, 1910-58. 1 vol. Minutes of meetings of board of directors and stockholders; legal and financial records. Submit a request to copy...
Manuscript Group 812, First United Methodist Church, Newark, NJ Records, 1839-1960, 10 linear feet The New Jersey Historical Society 52 Park Place Newark, New Jersey 07102 Contact: NJHS Library Phone: (973) 596-8500 x249 Email: library@jerseyhistory.org URL:...
813. MOCKRIDGE AND SON, hardware, Newark, N.J. Ledger, 1896-98. 3 vols. Owned by Oscar B. Mockridge and Oliver H. Sparks, this firm specialized in ” builders’ and mechanics’ hardware, wood mantels, tiling and brass...
808. GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC. DEPARTMENT OF NEW JERSEY Records, 1870-1930. 2 ft. Minutes, membership rosters, financial records, and certificates pertaining to ten G.A.R. posts, including the General Philip Kearny Post....
Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 811, St. Paul’s Parish, Newark, NJ Vestry minutes, 1853-1890, 1 volume Call Number: MG 811 Summary Summary: This parish was established in May, 1853 by the congregation of St. Paul’s...