Archive Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 717, First Reform Presbyterian German and English Church, Knowlton Township, NJ Records, 1766-1804, 1 volume (typescript copy) Call Number: MG 717 Summary Summary: Copies of records of a Warren...
Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 718, William Paterson (1817-1899), Student and author Papers, 1833-1897, 1 linear foot Call Number: MG 718 Summary Summary: Verse; essays; orations and compositions written by Paterson as an...
713. HALSTED, BROKAW AND COMPANY, wholesale dry goods, New York, N.Y. Record Books, 1842-52. 3 vols. Cash book and two ledgers of a firm operated by N. Norris Halsted (1816-84) andJoseph Brokaw. N. Norris Halsted was born in...
711. LAWRENCE, THOMAS (1744-1823), farmer. Diary, 1812-25. 1 vol. An irregularly kept diary, including financial records, copy letters, and estate accounts of a native Philadelphian who in 1780 settled in Hamburg, Hardyston Township, Sussex County. Thomas Lawrence...
712. CASTERLINE,JENNIE ALLEN (d. 1881). Diary, 1867-74. 1 vol. Kept by a Morris County resident, December 31, 1867 – November 10, 1874. Includes some poetry. Mrs. Casterline was the daughter of Robert P. Allen of Mount Freedom (now part of Randolph Township)....
Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs Manuscript Group 705, Ferdanandus Vanderveer (fl. 1771-1787), Merchant Daybook, 1771-1787, 1 volume Call Number: MG 705(os) Processed as part of the “Farm to City” project funded by a grant from the...
707. REVOLUTIONARY MEMORIAL SOCIETY OF NEW JERSEY Records, 1896-1949. 1 ft. Minutes, membership lists, correspondence, financial records, and scrapbooks of an organization devoted to preserving and restoring Revolutionary era...
Manuscript Group 709, Woodruff, Hezekiah Stites (1754-1844), physician. Account Book, 1819-1832. 1 vol. Account book kept by Morris County physician, Hezekiah S. Woodruff, who practiced medicine in Mendham (Morris County) until ca.1830. Studied medicine with Ebenezer...
701. BELLEVILLE, N.J. Census Schedules, 1860. 56 pages. Incomplete schedules for the federal census of 1860. Gift of Mrs. Cordella Kip Cooper and Miss Elsie Kip, 1962. Submit a request to copy part of this collection back...
703. GORDON, ABRAHAM JULIUS, soldier, hospital administrator. Scrapbook, 1917-18. 1 vol. Concerns World War I military and prisoner of war experiences of the first president of Martland Medical Center (formerly Newark City Hospital). Gift of Estella R. Gordon. and...
704. HOFFMAN FAMILY Papers, 1870-1964. 70 items. Legal documents and genealogical data relating to Horace J. Hoffman, his wife Dora, and other members of the family; letters wrltten from various family members to Helen M. Wright, the genealogist responsible for...
698. DAVISON, GILBERT L. Ciphering Book, 1829-30. 1 vol. Begun on March 18, 1829, this arithmetic exercise book was completed sometime after March 16, 1830. Gift of E.L. Eldredge, 1968. MG 698 – Gilbert L. Davison, 1829-1830 Folder Title Dates 1 Ciphering book...
699. SUTTON, EMMA L. Scrapbooks, 1896-98. 2 vols. This girl from Mendham Township pasted her scrapbooks over a Newark shoemaker’s daybook, January 6, 1841 july 30, 1846, and a record book for “”sales of foreign tickets” at the Morris and Essex...