Changed Lives New Jersey Remembers September 11, 2001
9/11 Memorial Exhibit 10 Years Later

The Changed Lives Collection consists of objects, documents, and images created to serve as a public recording of New Jerseyans in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. The entire collection contains newspapers clippings, memorial programs, brochures, oral histories, music, art, literature, photographs, and other items related to September 11, 2001 documenting the tragedies and reflecting the triumphs of individuals, communities and the state.

In the future, The New Jersey Historical Society will display more selections of the Changed Lives Collection as part of the 9/11 Memorial Anniversary.

The New Jersey Historical Society continues to collect objects, images, documents and stories about September 11, 2001 event. To donate to Changed Lives Collection, please contact the Library of The New Jersey Historical Society.

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