Guide to the Colony of New Jersey: Samuel Smith (1720-1776), Treasurer of the Western Division Records
MG 239The New Jersey Historical Society
52 Park Place
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Contact: NJHS Library
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Email: library@jerseyhistory.org
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© 2006 All rights reserved.
The New Jersey Historical Society, Publisher
Inventory prepared by Kim Charlton, April 2000, as part of the “Farm to City” project funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Finding aid encoded by Julia Telonidis. March 2006. Production of the EAD 2002 version of this finding aid was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Finding aid written in English.
Descriptive Summary
Creator: |
Smith, Samuel, 1720-1776. |
Title: |
Colony of New Jersey: Samuel Smith (1720-1776), Treasurer of the Western Division Records |
Dates: |
1762-1744 |
Abstract: |
Financial records kept by Samuel Smith (1720-1776) as Treasurer of the western division of the Province of New Jersey. |
Quantity: |
.01 linear feet (1 volume) |
Collection Number: |
MG 239 |
Biographical Note
New Jersey became a British colony under Queen Anne in 1702. Its government, made up of a governor (at various times called president or lieutenant-governor), a Council and Assembly, a secretary, an attorney general, a colonial agent, a treasurer, a chief justice, and Supreme Court judges, was largely made up of appointed positions. (The exception was New Jersey’s Assembly, which was elected by about 2/5 of the white male population over the age of 21.)
The governor appointed New Jersey’s treasurer, although a man recommended by the elected Assembly often filled the office. From 1702-1719, New Jersey had a singular treasurer, the only exceptions being the years 1709 and 1711 when paper money problems forced additional appointments. From 1719 until the State of New Jersey took control of the office in 1775, there were treasurers for the eastern and western divisions of the colony.
Samuel Smith (1720-1776) was the second to last treasurer for the Western Division of New Jersey, serving from 1750-1775. He settled in Burlington, New Jersey, the place of his birth, after starting as a merchant in Philadelphia. He was active in politics, serving on New Jersey’s Council from 1763-1775, in addition to his role as treasurer. He also gathered early documents from New Jersey and Pennsylvania’s histories and published The History of the Colony of Nova Caesaria or New Jersey to Year 1721 in 1765. Smith had four children with his wife, Jane Kirkbride, one of whom, Joseph, replaced him as treasurer of the Western Division in 1775. Joseph Smith was treasurer for less than a year when the treasury was taken over by the State of New Jersey.
Treasurers of the Colony of New Jersey:
Peter Fauconnier–1704-1709;
Miles Forster–1709-1711;
Thomas Gordon–1711-1719
East Jersey: William Eier–1719-1722; Michael Kearny–1722-1734; Andrew Johnston–1734-1762; Stephen Skinner–1762-1774; John Smyth–1774-1775
West Jersey:Jeremiah Basse–1719-1719; Isaac DeCow–1719-1722; John Allen–1722-1750; Samuel Smith–1750-1775; Joseph Smith–1775-1775
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Scope and Content Note
The records consist of an account book kept by Samuel Smith as treasurer of the Colony of New Jersey from 1762-1774. The volume contains accounts labeled Parliamentary Donations, Support of Government, and Sinking Fund, which track the money New Jersey received through taxes and parliamentary grants and that it spent on salaries and warrants. The volume itself was bound by Samuel Taylor of Philadelphia and contains his bookplate on the inside cover.
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Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on this collection.
Photocopying of materials is limited and no materials may be photocopied without permission from library staff.
Use Restrictions
Researchers wishing to publish, reproduce, or reprint materials from this collection must obtain permission.
The New Jersey Historical Society complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions and protects unpublished materials as well as published materials.
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Access Points
The entries below represent persons, organizations, topics, forms, and occupations documented in this collection.
Subject Names:
Smith, Samuel, 1720-1776.
Subject Topics:
Colonial administrators–New Jersey.
Taxation–United States.
Subject Places:
Great Britian–Colonies–Administration.
New Jersey.
Document Types:
Account Books.
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Related Material
Manuscript Group 41, Samuel Smith (1720-1776) Papers
Manuscript Group 46, New Jersey Legislature Minutes
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Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as: Manuscript Group 239, Colony of New Jersey: Samuel Smith (1720-1776), Treasurer of the Western Division Records, The New Jersey Historical Society.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Amelia Mott Gummere, Richard Mott Gummere, and Samuel James Gummere, 1925.
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Archives of the State of New Jersey. Series I, Vol. IX, pgs. 394-395.
Kemmerer, Donald L. Path to Freedom: The Struggle for Self-Government in Colonial New Jersey, 1703-1776. (Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ, 1940).
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Container List
Account Book |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
1 |
1 |
Account Book |
1762-1774 |
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