Manuscript Group 1407, Ross K. Cook (d. 1974), Genealogist

Archives Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs

Manuscript Collection 1407, Ross K. Cook (d. 1974), Genealogist
Genealogy Collection, 10 folders
Call Number: MG 1407



Genealogical research and notes of Ross Keelye Cook.

Folder List:

Folder Contents
1 Miscellaneous
Alston, Archer, Baldwin, Browder, Brower, Brown, Chadaine, Childs, Collers, Conover, Corson, Cotton, De Camp, de Forest, de la Montagne, DeWitt, Dey (Day), Dodd, Doncheseu, Doremus, Doty, du Cloux, Duncan, Fowler, Freeman, Frewin, Gould, Griffith, Harrison, Hempstead, Hoffman, Hojer (Hoyer), Hurford, Jacques, Jackson, Jans, Kingsland, Kitridge, Knight, Knorr, Kreger, Laen, Leggett, Little, Louchard, Lubberts, Mapes, Mason, Mesier, Miller, Monfoort, Nagle, Odell, Oostrom, Pearsall, Pelletreau, Phillips, Pickney, Pike, Raleigh, Reynolds, Roe, Roeloft, Rolfe, Sherman, Smith, Sutton, Sybrant, Taylor, Telle, Thorne, Tiebout, Tillou, Trueman, Tucher, Tuder, Tudor, Turner, Thyssen, Valentine, Vail, Van Benschoten, Van Covenhoven (Couvenhoven), Vanderveer, Van Gelder, Van Voorhis, Varlett, Verlote, Vigneau, Waldron, Ward, Wilde, Wood
2 Billiou Family (2 folders)
3 Dennis Family
Allen, Aller, Andrews, Armstrong, Baldwin, Ballentine, Beach, Borden, Bray, Cannon, Champlin, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Crane, Davis, Delano, Denman, Dennis, Fannery, Furman, Gallup, Gaylord, Goodenow, Green, Griggs, Halloway, Hanneken, Hardendurf, Hathaway, Hazard, Hemmekin, Jeune, Jones, Keeney, Lord, Lundy, Mahieu, Mead, Moulton, Nye, Peckham, Phillips, Pope, Reed, Rider, Rightmeyer, Rose, Schooley, Sherman, Sisson, Stanton, Stiles, Swain, Tapp, Thompson, Treat, Tucker, Van Scoik, Ward, Warren, Weeden, Wendel, Wilbur, Wilcox, Williams, Woodruff, Worrell, Wurzburger, Young
4 Ilsley Family (also known as Ilsly, Illsly, Ilsle, Ilsley, Ilslee, Ilslie, Ilssle, Ileslee, Eslie, Insley, Inslee, Ensley, Ensle, Enslee, Esslee, Eslie)
Arnold, Bachelor, Brandt, Brown, Coddington, Daugherty, Edwards, Else, Elslie, Esler, Essler, Essley, Goch (Gack, Gadegate), Grissan, Hale, Hilman, Hurd, Ileslee, Ildlee, Inslee, Islee, Issley, Jennings, Knapp, Lowe, McMillan, Mills, Moore, Murray, Plummer, Pratt, Sharp, Sonders, Strong, Swafford, Welch, Wills
5 Ridgway Family
Andrews, Beardslee, Bunker, Burr, Chamberlayne (lain, lin), Cowell, Coxhead, Grant, Grundy, Haines, Hickman, Ivins, Jones, Lawrence, Lucas, McCann, Moliere, Murrell, Peat, Pecock, Ridgway, Skidmore, Smith Teller, Williamson, Wood, Wright, Wrongway
6 Sanford Family (2 files)
Folder 1: Bailey, Bartholomew, Barrett, Basile, Bennett, Broach, Bryowski, Buchanan, Burke, Burrow, Corey (Corrie), Cossaboom (Casaboom), Crawford, Courtwright, Daland, Davison, Downing, DuPont, Gant, Garrison, Gilbert (Guilbert), Gordon, Griffin, Griggs, Halloway (Holloway), Hawks, Hayward, Herbert, Hiller, Holland, Hughes, Heinsinger, Johnson, Kearney, Kipp, Lain, McCowan, McCoy, Miller, Nelson, Newman, Ordile, Paton, Pettit, Polhemus, Prescott, Quigley, Reed, Sanford, Schanck, Sickles, Shea, Shoop (Shoup), Smith, Stillwell, Stryker, Sutphin, Taylor, Thompson, Thorne, Van Ostrum, Wiggins, Williams, Wood, Wycoff, Youngs
Folder 2: Broach, Brooks, Buchanan, Coleman, Courtwright, Du Pont, Fardon, Gordon, Griggs, Hayward, Ivins, Kearney, Lane, McCowan, McMinn, Murphy, Sanford (Sandford), Schoenlein, Sidell, Smidlapt, Styker, Sutphin, Swannell, Van Hise
7 Swazey Family
8 Ten Eyck I
9 Ten Eyck II
10 Williamson
11 Winslow – Perry
12 Zane
Alday, Bulkeley, Chattin, Collings, Elfrath, Hartley, Heppard, Hinchman, Hotten, Jones, Pemberton, Rakestraw, Shenton, Whitall, Wilkins, Willis

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