Manuscript Group 25, Miscellaneous Manuscripts Manuscript Collection, 1664-1956


Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs

Manuscript Group 25, Miscellaneous Manuscripts
Manuscript Collection, 1664-1956, 10 linear feet
Call Number: MG 25 + item description or item call number from card catalog


An open collection of individual or small numbers of manuscripts, including correspondence and documents of:

Samuel Aaron Frederick Frelinghuysen Rodman M. Price
A.J. Auten Philip Freneau William Rankin
Frank Bergen Jay Gould Henry Remsen
Elias Boudinot Charles J. Guiteau John D. Rockefeller
Joseph P. Bradley Edward Everett Hale Caesar Rodney
Benjamin Brewster Alexander Hamilton John Rutherfurd (1760-1840)
Viscount James Bryce Francis Hopkinson Winfield Scott
James Buchanan Josiah Hornblower Jared Sparks
William Burnet Richard Howell James Speed
John Calvert Thomas Hutchinson Richard Stockton (1764-1828)
Frederick A. Canfield Edward Hyde, Lord Cornbury Edward C. Stokes
Philip Carteret J.N. Joralemon Charles C. Stratton
Joseph R. Chandler Philip Livingston J.A. Sutter
Abraham Clark (1726-1794) William Livingston Daniel D. Thompkins
Grover Cleveland John D. Long Joseph Trumbull
William Colgate Seth Low Samuel Tucker
Silas Condict (1766-1848) George B. McClellan (1826-1885) George Vail
Franklin Conklin Alexander Macwhorter Elias Van Arsdale
Henry Cothreal James Monroe Ralph Voorhees
Philemon Dickerson Robert Morris (ca. 1745-1815) Peter D. Vroom (1791-1873)
Amzi Dodd (1793-1838) William A. Newell Robert Walpole
Zephaniah Drake Charles S. Olden Theodore Dwight Weld
Alfred E. Driscoll Cortlandt Parker William A. Whitehead
William Duer James Parker (1725-1797) William Carlos Williams
Thomas Alva Edison William Paterson (1745-1806) John Wood
Lucius Q.C. Elmer William Pennington George Wurts
Edward Everett Franklin Pierce George Wythe
Cyrus W. Field Mahlon Pitney Isaac Young


Most of the documents in this collection have been individually cataloged in the Manuscripts Card Catalog located in the reading room of The New Jersey Historical Society Library.

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