MG 51 Brooklyn and Long Island Sanitary Fair Autograph Album (assembled by Luther Boynton Wyman) February 22, 1864


MG 51 Brooklyn and Long Island Sanitary Fair Autograph Album
(assembled by Luther Boynton Wyman) February 22, 1864












1                           Autograph album assembled by Luther Boynton Wyman (1904-1878). Wyman, who married Frances Ann Hale on November 15, 1849, was president of the Brooklyn Sacred Music Society. He assembled the autograph book, which consists of autographs and short writings of such notables as Abraham Lincoln and his Cabinet, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry Ward Beecher, William Cullen Bryant, Henry W. Longfellow, Oliver Wendell Holmes and many others. The autograph book was presented to the Brooklyn and Long Island Sanitary Fair Commission (for the benefit of wounded Civil War soldiers) where it was then sold to John W. Hobart, the proceeds going to support the U.S. Sanitary Fair Commission, a forerunnner of the American Red Cross. Book dated February 22, 1864


Donated to the New Jersey Historical Society by Mrs. Robert C. Crater, daughter of John W. Hobart.




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