Descriptive Summary
Biographical Note
Scope and Content Note
Access Points
Related Material
Administrative Information
Container List
Conger Genealogy |

Guide to the Conger Family Genealogy Collection
MG 1422
The New Jersey Historical Society
52 Park Place
Newark, New Jersey 07102
Contact: NJHS Library
Phone: (973) 596-8500 x249
© 2005 All rights reserved.
The New Jersey Historical Society, Publisher
Inventory prepared by Julia Telonidis as part of the “Farm to City” project funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Finding aid encoded by Julia Telonidis. October 2005. Production of the EAD 2002 version of this finding aid was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Finding aid written in English.
Descriptive Summary
Creator: |
Conger, Charles L., 1869-1934 |
Title: |
Conger Family Genealogy Collection |
Dates: |
ca.1880-ca.1920 |
Abstract: |
Collection of genealogical notes about the descendants of John Conger of Woodbridge, NJ, compiled by Charles L. Conger. |
Quantity: |
1.66 linear ft. (5 boxes) |
Collection Number: |
MG 1422 |
Biographical Note
The ancestry of the Conger Family can be traced back to John Conger, formerly known as John Belconger, 1665-ca. 1711. Once an inhabitant of Newbury, Massachusetts, he arrived in central New Jersey to help found the Township of Woodbridge in 1667. He purchased and inhabited 170 acres of land in the Woodbridge area. With his first wife, Mary Kelly Conger, he had 8 children, Mary, Sarah, Joanna, John, Elizabeth, Lydia, Jonathan and Gershom. After the death of his first wife he soon remarried. With his second wife, Sarah Cawood, he had 7 more children, Enos, Abigail, Joseph, Job, Rachel, Lydia, and Benjamin. Several of these children either died as infants or at a relatively young age. The numerous descendants of the Conger children, intermarried with other prominent families and settled throughout New Jersey and New York. Genealogical information regarding these descendants of the original Conger clan can be found in this collection.
Charles L. Conger, 1869-1934, a descecndant of the original Conger family and the compiler of this collection, was a native of Wisconsin and spent most of his life in the mid-west. He was associated with the Citizen’s Bank of McIntosh, Minnesota, ultimately becoming its principal owner and president. In the book, The Conger Family of America, by Maxine Crowell Leonard, it is written that Charles Leslie Conger spent a large amount of money trying to find descendants of John Conger’s sons, and brought the records up to the generation born around 1880. Before his death in 1934, he placed his unpublished records in the Rare Book Division of the Library of Congress
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Scope and Content Note
This collection consists of a series of 23 packages of manuscripts, mostly correspondence and notes, a series of 4 envelopes (3rd envelope is missing) containing a sequence of old notebooks with numbered pages, and another series of notebooks with numbered pages, as well as folders containing miscellaneous notes and documents. Branches of the family are in some cases, recorded in separate folders, although there is much overlapping of information. All of the documents in the collection contain typed and handwritten information on the Conger family and other related families.
Related families mentioned in Envelope 1 (Box 3, Folder 7): Adams pg. 73, Baker pg.111, Bellinger pg. 148, Bennett pg. 137, Boyer pg. 147, Bradt pg. 167, Carr pg. 68, 131, 150-156, 150-156, Conger (all pages), Cramer pg. 74, Dallas pg. 77, Darratt pg. 69, 71,95, Davis pg. 117, DeForest pg. 93, Delo pg. 133, 136, Demmings pg. 101, Deuel, pg. 120, 122, Doxsie pg. 132, Everts pg. 82, Farr pg.87, Ferris, pg. 79, Flagler pg. 26, Flewelling, pg.121, Ford, pg 135, Fuller, pg. 96, Furman 78,81, Garland pg. 142, Getty pg. 186, Gilletee pg. 104, Graves pg. 107, Green pg. 130, Gribbins, pg. 99, Hacker, pg. 89, Harbaugh, pg. 112, Helms, pg.115-118, 123, Hine pg. 84, Jacobs pg. 119, Jones pg. 26, Knowlton pg. 81, Lint pg. 134, Merrillet, pg. 18, Moody pg. 110-114, 131-143, 148-149, Moyer pg 126-127, 129-130, Needham pg. 144, Nelson pg. 149, Northrup pg. 90, Parker pg. 98, Perlt pg. 77, Pilgrim pg. 100, Preston pg. 103, 105-106, 110, 115, 119-125, 139, Pugh pg. 127, Rasey 143-147, Raymond pg. 97, Reynolds pg.102-103, 126, Rice pg.106-107, Ried pg.124, Rose pg. 140, Scheese pg. 114, Sherman pg. 116, Spingler, pg. 83, Spoor pg. 75-76, Stall pg. 129, Stoddard pg. 114, Thompson pg. 93, Tripp pg. 71, Turner, pg. 89, Van Notwick pg. 125, Wager pg. 87-88, Wright pg. 63.
Related families mentioned in Envelope 2 (Box 3, folder 8): Abbot 219-223, Andrews 254-255, Anthony 195-196, Avery 269-271, Bartlett 251-252, Bean 249, Beasley 245, Bishop 172, Blair 175, 198, Blake 77, Bodley 160-161, 168, 175-178, 180, 186-194, 200, 202-207, 211, Bogue 238-289, Bonham 194-195, 197-198, 200-201, Boyer 147, Bradt 296-310, Breed 293, Brinkerhoff 158, Brown 248, 318, Burde 153, Buys (?) 234, Carmichael 290-292, Carpenter 287-290, Carr 150-156, Case 161-167, Chamberlain 277, Christian 170, Clark 213, Cochran 264-266, Colgan 236, Collins 109, Colyer 314, Conger (all pages) Cook 186, 220, Cooper 261-267, Copple 203, Costigan 204, Cox 310, Cramer 74, Crane 197, Cross 150, Curtis 159, Dane 280, Davis 117, 228, Detweiler 239, Dodge 182, Donk 240, Edwards 244, Enoch 259-288, Evans 191, Farrar 169-170, Fourtelotte 163, Gambel 175, Gardiner 298, German 154-155, Getchell 181, Gilliland 235, Granger 151, Hafner 152, Hatch 216, Hawkhurst 210, Head 252, Heffron 291, Hibbon 325, Hines 250, Hirschley 188, Hoff 299-300, Hoffman 182, Holcomb 192, Holman 267, Hungerford 226, Hunt 241, Isabel 177, Jacobs 119, Jagger 270, James 305, Johnson 265, Jones 193, 221, 237, Keith 206, Kent 187-188, Kenyon 319, Ketchum 303, Kirk 190, Lawson 292, Lewis 183, Lint 134, Littlefield 230, Livingston 232, MacAndrews 274, McDonald 185, McMeekin 245, Mahanna 184, Manform 242, Mann 180-185, Manvel 260, Martel 224, Martland 162, Mason 105, Merillet 138, Merrill 201, Merry 295, Mickey 171-172, 189, 209-211, Miller 258, Morehouse 231-232, Moyer 283, Pack 207, Parker 300, Parlin 320-321, Payne 262, Pearce 306, Peck 229, Pelsue 246-249, Pettingill 155, Pettis 322, Phillips 286, Putnam 257, 259-260, Robinson 205, Rosser 315-316, Rowe 285, Russ 282-283, Scott 231, 233, Shelton 223, Shue 166, Smith 208-209, 212-216, 218-219, 224, Sneed 253, Snowdon 279, Snyder 157, Spencer 268, Stark 309, Stobie 313, Stow 156, Strock 173-174, Strope 276-277, Taylor 215, Titus 304, Todd 178, Uhler 202, Van Doren 281, Van Meter 165, Wait 284, 286, Walker 176, Walter 174, West 225, White 214, Willcox 275, Williams 164, 196, 272.
Related families mentioned in Envelope 3 (Box 3, folder 9): Abbell 490, Adams 489, Adriance 663, Albright 703, Allerton 678, Armstrong 637, Ayers 621, Babcock 668, Baldwin 560-562, Bartholomew 499, Bender 677, Benjamin 682, Biddlecone 551-552, Birdsall 657, Bosch 484, Branack 719, Briggs 692, Brown 640, Canutson 602, Chesebrough 486, 490-493, 714-715, Clifton 618, Conger (all pages), Cook 654, 683, Courtney 555, Crabtree 497, Crooks 711, Crouch 616-618, Culver 623-628, Daly 442, Danforth 465-466, Dauerbrei 715, Drowne 551, unbar 708, Edson 561, Ehrhardt 619, Erwin 670, Ferguson 487, Fisher 652, Flagler 679-680, Gallup 690-692, Gadrner 697, Greene 548-549, Hamblin 626, Hammond 559, Hare 546, Harriman 598, Hempstead 713, Hotaling 671, Hungerford 628, 650, 675-678, 712, Huston 611, Jager 602, Kennedy 562, 643, Kiernan 459, Knapp 460, La Chapelle 635, Lamb 661, 685, McAllister 625, McMillan 672, McNab 645, Maher 665, Meloy 681, Messer 627, Michel 695, Miller 646, 651-665, 667, 710-711, Millspaugh 674, Morgan 684-685, Morris 487, Morrison 550, Morse 549, Morton 704, Mothersead 632,Nadine 662, Oliver 671, Ondentonk 653, Paddock 655, Pangham 639, Payton 612, Pearsall 600, Pierce 558-559, Pike 556, Place 636, Poage 608, Rankin 634, Reford 563, Reyman 633, Reynolds 669-670, Robb 642, Rollins 606, Seacon 603, Shafer 627, Sherman 488, 638-644, Slocum 487, Smith 417, 551, 718-721, Somerville 544, Stephens 485, Stoneburner 720, Strewell 659, Sumner 451, Switzer 716, Tarbell 656, Taylor 596, Thaw 485, Thomas 547-548, 550, Townsend 689, Tripp 705, Tubbs 680-681, Tyler 610, Udell 695, Vandeburgh 630, Van Valkenburgh 495, Van Wie 702, Vose 553, Walrath 700, Ward 622, 688, Weideman 694, Wellington 656, West 609, Westfall 629, Wetman 594, 615-616, 619-621, Wheeler 597, 605, Wikoff 594-595, Wilbur 618, Wilcox 601-604, Wilke 617, Williams 491, 554-555, Wilsey 717-718, Wilson 679, 682-683, 701, Winnie 676, Young 693-695, 698-700, Zielman 709.
**Additional index located in Box 4, Folder 1.**
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Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on this collection.
Photocopying of materials is limited and no materials may be photocopied without permission from library staff.
Use Restrictions
Researchers wishing to publish, reproduce, or reprint materials from this collection must obtain permission.
The New Jersey Historical Society complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions and protects unpublished materials as well as published materials.
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Access Points
The entries below represent persons, organizations, topics, and forms documented in this collection.
Subject Names:
Conger Family.
Stockton, Elias Boudinot.
Subject Topics:
Cemetaries–New Jersey.
Churches–New Jersey.
Genealogy–New Jersey.
Marriages–New Jersey.
Mexican War.
Prominent families–New Jersey.
Subject Places:
Middlesex County (N.J.)
Newark (N.J.)
Woodbridge (N.J.)
Document Types:
Subject Occupations:
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Related Material
Manuscript Group 875, Samuel Hayes Congar (1796-1872), Coach painter, Manuscript Collection
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Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as: Manuscript Group 1422, Conger Family Genealogy Collection, The New Jersey Historical Society.
Acquisition Information
Purchased by The New Jersey Historical Society’s Women’s Branch, 1919.
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Conger, Charles Greenwood Barker. A Record of the Births, Marriages and Deaths of the Descendants of John Conger of Woodbridge, N.J.Chicago, IL.: Shea Smith, c1903.
Leonard, Maxine Crowell. The Conger Family of America [Privately printed: Janesville, Iowa], c1972.
Stryker-Rodda, Harriet. Conger and Related Families [miscellaneous notebook].[published by the author], 1980.
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Container List
Conger Genealogy |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
1 |
1 |
Package 1: Letters and documents from descendants of Joseph and Hannah (Pepper) Conger of New Fairfield, CT. Includes information on Conger, Cawood, Kelly and Pepper Families |
n.d. |
1 |
2 |
Package 2: Letters and documents from descendants of Joseph and Hannah (Pepper) Conger of New Fairfield, CT. Includes information on Conger & Pepper Families |
ca. 1900 |
1 |
3 |
Package 3: Letters and documents from descendants of John and Sarah Belconger of Hanover, ?. Includes information on Conger, Baldwin, Kelly and Pepper families |
ca. 1850-1920 |
1 |
4 |
Package 4: Letters and documents from descendants of John and Anna (Enyard) Belconger of Woodbridge. Includes information on Conger, Beamer, Long and Miller Families |
ca. 1900 |
1 |
5 |
Package 4 (continued): Includes a diary from the Mexican War 1848/1849, and Conger family correspondence and will |
ca. 1900 |
1 |
6 |
Package 5: Includes information on Conger (correspondence from Samuel Conger, Robert O. Conger, Alice Conger, J.W. Conger, Henry H. Conger, C.A. Conger, Bessie Conger), and Teter Families |
ca. 1900 |
1 |
7 |
Package 6: Conger family correspondence, wills, family trees and information on the Kelly family |
ca. 1900 |
1 |
8 |
Package 7: Letters and documents from descendants of Job Conger, son of Enoch Conger, and information on the Potter family |
ca. 1900 |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
2 |
1 |
Package 8: Letters and documents from descendants of Job Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Includes correspondence from Emily B. Conger, Martha Conger, Nelson Conger, W.P. Conger, and information on Potter families |
n.d. |
2 |
2 |
Package 9: Letters and documents from descendants of Enoch Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Includes correspondence from Albert Conger, Allen Conger, Enoch Conger, Mrs. Henry Conger, Lawton Conger, R. Baker, and information on the McNutt family |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
3 |
Package 10: Letters and documents from descendants of Samuel Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Includes family sheets for John & Hannah Chandler Conger, Benjamin Conger, Emma B. Conger, Ed Conger, Cyrus Conger, J.S. Conger, J.S. Conger, J.B. Conger, Lydia Andrews, S.P. Fowler, Malina Conger Gardner, Moran family |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
4 |
Package 11: Letters and documents from descendants of Benjamin Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Includes will of Benjamin Conger, Schultz-Wiley correspondence |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
5 |
Package 12: Letters and documents from descendants of Asher Conger, son of Enoch Conger.Correspondence from Asher Conger, H.W. Pierce regarding Enoch, Henry Noble regarding Asher, correspondence from H. Greeley Conger, J.J. Conger, Martha Conger, L.E. Conger, Huldah Conger, John H. Conger regarding Samuel Conger, Bangs family records, correspondence from Flora Daw, G.S.A. Farnam regarding Patty, correspondence from Homer Kingsley, Lucy Lamos. |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
6 |
Package 13: Letters and documents from descendants of Asher Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Asher Conger family chart, correspondence from J.J. Conger |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
7 |
Package 14: Letters and documents from descendants of Gersom Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Asher Conger family records, Gershom Conger family records, correspondence from Seymour Conger, A. Conger, Hattie Conger Guthrie, E.A. Peebles, A. Hosmer, H. Bancroft, I. B. Raymond |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
8 |
Package 15: Letters and documents from descendants of Gersom Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Correspondence from C.R. Conger, W. H. Conger, H.S. Conger, Hattie Guthrie, Mrs. B. Johnson, J.W. Norcross, J. Sheldon, Sophrona Snell, S.P. Mather, George Conger. |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
9 |
Package 16: Letters and documents from descendants of John Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Correspondence from Luther Corbett, Pierce, A. W. Thornton, John Conger records |
ca. 1900 |
2 |
10 |
Package 17: Letters and documents from descendants of Moses Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Correspondence from Chas. M. Conger, George Conger, Ira Conger, J.A. Conger, N.H. Conger, Reuben Conger, S. Conger, Emma L. Post, W. F. Jones |
ca. 1900 |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
3 |
1 |
Package 18: Letters and documents from descendants of Coddington Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Includes correspondence of Carrie Conger, Charles Teeple, Lillah Conger Douglas, Ray Conger, E. Bayer |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
2 |
Package 19: Letters and documents from descendants of Moses Conger, son of Enoch Conger. Correspondence from A.W. Conger, Adelaide Conger, F.W. Conger, Hugh D. Conger, Henry Conger, William M. Johnson, M.D. |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
3 |
Package 20: Letters and documents from descendants of Benjamin Conger. Correspondence H.H. Conger, C.W. Conger, Herbert G. Coddington, Arthur Conger, Nathan Conger, Martin Conger, Benjamin Conger, Lloyd Goble, family chart for Jacob Conger, Maria Johnson |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
4 |
Package 21: Miscellaneous. Correspondence of Charles L. Conger, Frank B. Conger, Wilhelmina B. Conger, Charles D. Conger, Delia Conger, Chauncey Conger, Norman Conger, Conger misc. |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
5 |
Package 22: Miscellaneous. John Conger will; David Conger, Correspondence of C.D. Conger, A.H. Conger, David Conger, E.L. Conger, Fred H. Conger, Frank B. Conger, George D. Conger, Helen A. Conger, W.B. Conger, Wilhelmina Conger, various Conger addresses, Benjamin T. Conger information |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
6 |
Package 23: Miscellaneous. Annabel Conger correspondence, Margaret Ellsworth Conger, Wilhelmina B Conger, Vesta Conger Smith, Anne M. Wright, family tree |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
7 |
Envelope 1: Record of the Births, Marriages & Deaths of Conger Family (p. 26; 67-149) |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
8 |
Envelope 2: Record of the Births, Marriages & Deaths of Conger Family (p. 150-325) |
ca. 1900 |
3 |
9 |
Envelope 4: Record of the Births, Marriages & Deaths of Conger Family (pg. 485-721) |
ca. 1900 |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
4 |
1 |
Conger collection index |
n.d. |
4 |
2 |
Information on the descendants of John Conger, (b. 24 May 1674) |
n.d. |
4 |
3 |
Information on the descendants of Jonathan Conger (b. 29 May 1683) through son Samuel |
n.d. |
4 |
4 |
Information on descendants of Joseph Conger. |
n.d. |
4 |
5 |
Information on descendants of Job Conger (b. 9 June 1694) |
n.d. |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
5 |
1 |
Original letters and reports of E.B. Stockton of Newark, NJ (Book V?) |
1910-1911 |
5 |
2 |
Letters and documents from Descendants of John Conger of Rowan Co. North Carolina (Book VI?) |
1899-1926 |
5 |
3 |
Letters and documents from descendants of Jonathan Conger, son of John Conger of Woodbridge, NJ, born at Woodbridge May 29, 1683 |
1896-1924 (Book V?) |
5 |
4 |
Letters and documents of descendants of Gershom Conger, son of John Conger primas, born about 1685 (Book VII?) |
1899-1927 |
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