Manuscript Group 182, William Turk (d. 1854), Naval Surgeon Papers, 1824-1835

MG 182

WILLIAM TURK (d. 1854),  naval surgeon.

Papers,  1824-1835.

61 items.

Papers of William Turk, a naval surgeon of Whitehall, N.Y. (Washington County).  Primarily a journal kept on two tours of duty:  1) on board the U.S.S. Constitution, commanded by Thomas McDonough, which sailed from New York on a Mediterranean tour (with civilians including women and children), from 1824 to1825, and 2) on board the U.S.S. Concord, which sailed from Portsmouth, N.H. in 1830, under Matthew C. Perry’s command, to transport John Randolph (1773-1833) to his post as minister extraordinary to the Imperial Russian court at St. Petersburg.  On its return voyage, it passed the west coast of Africa.  Journal includes descriptions of passenger and crew illnesses and treatments administered, weather conditions, and accounts of local events and customs in Gibraltar, Tunis, the African coast, and other areas of the Mediterranean.

Also in this volume are lists of officers aboard the frigates; household accounts, 1826-28; and a fragment of a journal pertaining to Dr. Turk’s service aboard the steamboat Washington and in a Boston hospital when Turk and his family resided in Charlestown, Massachusetts, 1826-27.  Also letters, receipts, and engraved cards accumulated from 1832-1835 while Dr. Turk toured Europe

Inventory available.

MG 182


Papers, 1824-1835


Folder 1: Journal, 1824-1831.     [1 item]

U.S.S. Constitution, “Cruise in Mediterranean,” Sept. 24, 1824-July 1825.

Thomas McDonough, Commander.  Includes:  weather conditions, latitudes, his health, people on board, sick lists, deaths on the ship Ontario, descriptions of African coast, Gibraltar, Tunis, Syracuse, Tripoly [sic], Algiers, and Messina, with accounts of local events.

“Journal of a Cruise in the sloop of war Concord”, April 1830-March 1831.   

Matthew Perry, Commander.  Includes:  crew and passenger illnesses and treatments, list of officers, list of officers on frigate Brandywine (E.P. Kennedy, Commander).

Miscellaneous, 1824-1826. 

Includes:  list of dirty and clean clothes (1824);  accounts with Jane Powell, the family “maidservant,” and other expenses; orders for duty at a hospital in Boston (November 1826).

Folder 2:          Letters and Receipts,  ca. 1832-1835.   [9 items]

Includes:  receipts in Spanish (1832-33);  letter on treatment of cholera (in French);  letter from Signor Leonardo Sautoro, n.d.

Folder 3:          Visiting and Business Cards.  [51 items]


Additional William Turk papers at Duke University and Campbell University (Inc.) in North Carolina.


Papers, 1824-1835

MG 182


Folder 1                       Journal, 1824-1831     [1 item] 

U.S.S. Constitution, “Cruise in Mediterranean,” Sept. 24, 1824-July 1825.

Thomas McDonough, Commander.  Includes:  weather conditions, recording of latitude, his health and people on board, sick lists, deaths on the ship “Ontario,” descriptions of African coast, Gibraltar, Tunis, Syracuse, Tripoly [sic], Algiers, and Messina with accounts of local events.

“Journal of a Cruise in the sloop of war Concord”, April 1830-March 1831.   

Matthew Perry, Commander.  Includes:  crew and passenger illnesses and treatments, List of Officers, List of Officers on frigate Brandywine (E.P. Kennedy Commander).

Miscellaneous, 1824-1826. 

 Includes:  list of dirty and clean clothes (1824);  accounts with Jane Powell the family “maidservant” and other expenses; orders for duty at Boston hospital during which time he stayed in Charlestown, Massachusetts with daughters and son (November 1826).

Folder 2                       Letters and Receipts,  ca. 1832-1835.   [9 items]

Includes:  receipts in Spanish (1832-33);  letter on treatment of cholera (in French);  letter from Signor Leonardo Sautoro, n.d.

Folder 3                       Visiting and Business Cards.  [51 items]



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