Manuscript Group 432, Special Commission to Investigate the Affairs of the Essex County Board ofChosen Freeholders, Transcripts of hearings, 1919


Documents, Manuscripts, Maps, & Photographs

Manuscript Group 432, Special Commission to Investigate the Affairs of the Essex County Board of Chosen Freeholders

Transcripts of hearings, 1919, 1 volume

Call Number: MG 432


In January, 1919 citizens of Essex County petitioned the Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court to appoint a commission to investigate alleged irregularities in the operation of the Board of Chosen Freeholders.  Chief Justice William S.  Gummere appointed J. Henry Bacheller and Jacob L. Newman to conduct the investigation.  The hearings were held between March 7 and April 25, 1919.  The investigation led to a grand jury presentment.

Gift of Fidelity Insurance Trust Company, Newark, 1959.

Related Collections:

Manuscript Group 242, William Pierson (1796-1882), Sheriff of Essex County, Record books



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