Manuscript Group 48 John Vance Powers Papers, 1861-1863

New Jersey Historical Society Library

Manuscript Collection

>Manuscript Group 48 John Vance Powers Papers, 1861-1863 83 items

Transcribed by Stephen M. Sullivan


The documents contained in manuscript group 48, John Vance Powers Papers, were donated to the Society by Mrs. Joseph Ashton.

Container List

Box     Folder             Title                                        Dates

1          1.   John Vance Powers. Papers 1861-1862

2          2.   John Vance Powers. Papers 1863

Item Level Index

Date                    Description

7-13-1861                      Dan. P. Young describes a volunteer Chicago unit preparing to join the US Army

8-19-1861           Charles H. Evans writing for Dr. Edward Livingston Welling 3rd Regiment New Jersey Volunteers on the Savannah. Dr. Welling signed for 3 years

10-22-1861         W.H. Neale from Camp Graham near Washington refers to battle of L__sberg, Virginia and the state of readiness of the camp

9-27-1861           W.H. Neale from Camp Graham(?) This should be before the 10-22 letter. It describes his arrival at the camp and the suspected march of B__ on Washington. Dates of outposts and manpower in the area

11-28-1861         W.H. Neale from Camp Graham. Thanksgiving Day – Reports stars and stripes flying in South Carolina, the unhappiness of the men in the 23rd Regiment at not being called

11-19-1861         D.P. Young from Birds Point – letter unsigned describes the battle of Bellmont, M_

12-16-1861         D.P. Young Birds Point – describes method of firing shells

1-21-1862           Dan P. Young Birds Point – describes mission through Kentucky in what might become preparation to battle for Columbus

2-5-1882             Darwin Powers, cousin, Upson Hill, Virginia – informed his cousin of his enlistment

2-12-1862            Dan. P. Young – Fort Henry, Tennessee – left behind while company moved on to Podicah(?) believed not to be written to vance, but to be written to Ellis Powers

2-12-1862            Dan P. Young – Fort Henry, Tennessee – description of the battle taking Fort Henry

2-20-1862            Darwin Powers – Upson Hill – details of camp life, includes description of area, housing, food, armaments and rations

2-21-1862            Dan P. Young – Fort Donaldson – tells of the three-day battle for and surrender of the Fort Donaldson with details of manpower, guns, prisoners, causalities and losses. Suggests that Columbus will be their next victory

3-15-1862            Dan P. Young – Savannah, Tennessee – went to Morrind(?) city for hospital care of foot and ankle – his unit at Fort Henry. Mostly gossip about future positions

3-15-1862             D.P. Young – Savannah, Tennessee – this letter was not sent to J.V. Powers – sent to Mrs. (?) Powers, a note of appreciation for her interest

4-20-1862             Dan P. Young – Camp Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee – difficult battle at campsite with large losses to both sides. Regiment lost territory. Battle resulted in loss of General Johnson and possibly General Bragg. Survivors of Union forces were promoted in rank and some reassigned to other companies

5-27-1862             Dan P. Young – before Corinth – Acknowledging letter and newspapers sent to him. Period of quiet inactivity

6-1-1862               Dan P. Young, Corinth, Mississippi – describes the fighting, taking of prisoners and destruction of property by rebels under (?) won Corinth – Copy of a letter of April 11 from a Kentucky lady to a cousin – Calaway, Kentucky

6-1-1862               D>P. Young, Corinth, Mississippi – written to Mrs. Powers with the above letter enclosed

9-20-1862             D.P. Young, Memphis, Tennessee – General personal news

7-3-1862               Darwin Powers – Camp Halstead opposite Fredericksburg, Virginia – look at the city of Fredericksburg

7-4-1862               Added to 7-3 letter – heat and lack of water caused losses of men and animals

7-25-1862             Completed 7-30-1862 D.P. Young, Memphis, Tennessee – detailed action from Memphis to Corinth and on 7-30 added General McCallan’s advance on Richmond

8-24-1862            A.R. Wolcott, Camp Venbuedburgh, near Freehold – tells of camp routine, company, alert for move to Washington. One three-time deserter caught and will be shot

9-18-1861            D.P. Young, Camp Norfolk, 6 miles from Birds Point – Complains of the futility of troop movement and dedication of commanding officers

10-22-1862          John Williams, Camp Loudin Heights, Harpers Ferry, Virginia – general news letter, no military highlights

10-29-1862          D.P. Young, Memphis, Tennessee – among activities at camp, a brick and lumber house village was built, a battalion drill was here. Confederate General Price sent a warning of attack, together with a flag of truce to be set for three days hence. Families from 40 houses burned by the 55th Illinois relocating with salvaged goods to country areas 25 miles outside union army lines. Discusses reaction to Emancipation Proclamation

10-29-1862          D.P. Young – note to Tillis(?) enclosed with letter to Vance

11-3-1862            Henry A. Fisk, Gloucester Point, Virginia – describes his “soldier life” reactions

11-24-1862           D.P. Young, Memphis – acknowledges receipt of letter and papers on a 48-hour marching alert, destination

12-6-1862             C.L. Nising, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – enlisted and assigned to establishing a hospital which will hold 300 beds

12-14-1862           D.P. young, Memphis, Tennessee – detailed dialogue of march and strategy of his company from Memphis through 17 days movement to Jackson. Describes the destruction encountered when entering Mississippi and the benefits afforded troops from abandoned produce crops and from farm animals

12-19-1862           Dan Young, Memphis – a “thank you” for a letter received. A reference to Dan’s brother serving as a surgeon in the Confederate hospital in Richmond, feeling Dan’s fighting against the south was wrong

12-19-1862              Dan Young, letter to Tillie and Minera exposed his personal feelings on being in the army

12-22-1862          D.P. Young, on board steamer “City of Memphis” near Napoleon, Arkansas – part of a fleet of some 20 or more vessels, this ship is transporting 2 battalions, the BCL and the 8th Missouri regiment

1-18-1863            D.P. Young, on board steamer “Chancellor” Napoleon, Arkansas – a most detailed diary of the taking of Fort Hindman, known as Arkansas Post. Commentary by day and date from 12-26 through 1-13, the Fort was actually taken on 1-11

7-20-1861 John S. Williams, Fort Royal, Virginia – Communication from a friend who saw action at Harpers Ferry and is now Commissary Sergeant at Fort Roy

2-8-1863              D.P. Young, Camp on Butler’s Canal, opposite Vicksburg – anticipates being quartered in the Vicksburg area for some time. they widened a six-foot canal to almost twenty feet, built a levee on the union side of the water, and sat out watching the blockade.  Saw the union ram quiver of the west run the blockade successful with twelve hits out of 125 shots, but no damage.

2-8-1863              D.P. Young to Tillis Powers (enclosed with other letter) – thanks her for her friendship, her invitation to have him as a guest, and refers to his assignment as detailed to Vance

2-9-1863 John S. Williams, Frederick City, Maryland – now in much better circumstances, recovered from illness, moved to Maryland, and in charge of a 23-man patrol. Expects to be promoted to lieutenant

2-12-1863            C.S. Rising, USA G. Hospital, Chesh Hill – refers to change of command replacing Burnsid(?) with Hooker. Describes his position as Contributor receipt clerk of the hospital and acknowledges a change in John Vance Powers position but does not reveal its identity

2-12-1863            C. E. Powers, cousin – in the service now 6 months, wishes it was over

3-8-1863              D.P. Young, Young’s Point, Louisiana – the canal has been broadened to 60 feet and dredges are now at work deepening it to correct the water problem.  It appears that the Richmond papers are conceding strength and advantage to the union, and Young enlarges on this by describing union positions

3-8-1863               D.P. Young, Young’s Point, La – letter to Tielie(?) written in a philosopher’s mood

3-20-1863             C. E. Powers, M_freesboro, Tennessee – general note to his cousin. No specific data

4-12-1863             Dan Young, Young’s Point, La (Louisiana?) – addresses the union army position in the Vicksburg strategy, which encompasses the positions of General Rosicrass(?), Joe Hooker, Grant, and Sherman.  Includes a letter to Tielia(?) furnishing information regarding their plentiful supply of food

5-1-1863               C. E. Powers – discusses his enlistment and his future

5-31-1863             C.E. Powers – his unit was advanced to 4-5 miles close to the rebels.  They made raids and took prisoners. He was assigned to guard Vallindigh(?) and could not disclose the identity of the prisoner

6-1-1863                Chester B. Powers, Franklin, Tennessee – describes the losses of the rebels in encounters with his unit

6-3-63                    Dan P. Young, Memphis, Tennessee – saw a great deal of action resulting in skirmishes and battles leading to the taking of Haines Bluff, cutting off Vicksburg. The Union took 8-10000 rebel prisoners and 60-70 pieces of artillery.  Dan Young suffered his first inquiry, a hit by a mine ball, which lodged in his left hip joint. He wrote from Overton Hospital when the ball was removed

6-19-1863              Dan P. Young, Overton Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee – recuperating and growing stronger. Describes Grant’s move of his troops and brilliant strategy. Letter to Tielis(?) enclosed, telling of his room, care, and attention

6-19-1863               Dan P. Young, Overton Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee – letter to family about hospital care

7-13-1862                     Dan P. Young, Overton Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee – brief mention of the fall of Vicksburg and the anticipated fall of Port Hudson, enclosed note to T(?)

7-13-1863                    C. E. Powers – Descard Station – describes rebels deserting these positions to give themselves up. Bad weather anticipated the fall of Charlestown soon

8-5-1863                 C.E. Powers, Descard Station – looks forward eagerly to the expiration of his enlistment in one year. Dislikes soldiering

8-5-1863                 C.B. Powers, Shelbyville, Tennessee – expounded on his hatred of the rebels

8-22-1863               C.B. Powers, Stephenson, Alabama – general discussion of conditions

8-25-1863               Dan P. Young, Memphis – speculation on Union army moves, stands to be reassigned to his company shortly

8-31-1863               D.P. Young – moving on to Vicksburg tomorrow

9-2-1862                 J.C. Wolcott, Co. B 14th Regiment NJ 1st Brigade – 3 divisions, 3 corp. army of the Potomac – the coming winter and destruction of home in Richmond and Sulfur Springs, Lee’s future moves

9-8-1862                 J. Wolcott, Alberton – Maryland troop movements

9-28-1862               J.R. Wolcott, Frederick City, Camp Hooker – Poor food, battle of Frederick

10-26-1862            J.R. Wolcott, Camp Hooker – Harpers Ferry – guarding the battalion and Ohio (?) , camp life

11-8-1862            Sergeant John Williams, Company General 3rd Regiment, Harpers Ferry, Delaware Volunteers – cannon blurt from rebels over company at night

11-16-1862          J.R. Wolcott, Monaccy Bridge – winter quarters

12-3-1862            J.R. Wolcott, Monaccy Bridge, Camp Hooker – rebel actions

12-4-1862            J.R. Wolcott – might trip through mud to find rebels near Buckstown(?) but they had fled

12-18-1862          Walcott, Monacy Bridge – desire for furlough to get to Tr__ night expedition to Urbanna, bad storm, returned to camp Hooker.  Plans for company movements

1-10-1863            Walcott, camp in the field, Virginia – enjoying their winter quarters but feared they would seen be moved. Mention of the rebels attacking their pickets

1-11-1863            Walcott, Camp Hooker – complaint of inactivity

2-1-1863               Walcott, camp hooker – still no activity, complaint about payment, trip to Trenton

2-18-1863            Walcott, Camp Hooker – waiting for marching order, searching for deserters

3-26-1863            Walcott, camp hooker, moving plans

6-17-1863            Walcott, Maryland Heights – ?

8-8-1863              Walcott, camp in field – consolidated with the Potomac army June, fight at Boonesburgh and Manassas Camp site, at Campell near Rappabanock station no tents, Colonel Truex will not move again, he gets them

9-26-1863             D.P. Young, Camp near Bigblack, Mississippi – busy in new camp near Black River cleaning up, reviewing a dwelling, move again to Vicksburg and Memphis and Corinth

10-18-1863           C.E. Power, Chatanooga, Tennessee – regiment in fight, did not lore many

10-24-1863           Wolcott, Cattle station – first brigade, 3rd division, 3 corps Army of the Potomac travels of brigade from Culpepper to Bull Run, finding of injured soldier armed at Fairfax Station, destruction of homes and railroad

10-26-1868            Wolcott, camp near Catlitt Station, Virginia – railroad repaired, put up log cabin

10-29-1863            C.E. Powers, Nashville, Tennessee – had fight took many prisoners

12-4-1863              Wolcott, camp at Brandy Station Virginia _ fight with rebels

12-6-1863              C.E. Powers, 6 miles from Chatanooga _ personal letter to cousin

12-27-1863            C.E. Powers – personal letter to cousin

7-26-1863              C.E. Powers

No Date                 Wolcott, postscript – rebels in bad way, plundering barn yards and poultry houses in Maryland and many are deserting
