Manuscript Group 493, Arthur S. Carpender (1884-1960), US Naval Officer Papers, 1913-1958

493. CARPENDER, ARTHUR S. (1884- 1960), U. S. naval officer.

Papers, 1913-58. 54 items.

Letters; commissions; biographical sketches of Carpender; airlog, 1942-46, kept by this career naval officer from New Brunswick as a rear admiral; address by Admiral Carpender at the memorial service for the officers and men who lost their lives in the U.S.S. <1 Truxtun>1 and U. S. S. <1JacabJones,>1 March 22, 1942; 1801 document signed by Nathaniel Fanning (1755-1805); a photostatic copy of part of the 1917 log of the U.S.S. <1Fanning.>1 Included are items signed by James Forrestal, Frank Knox, Douglas MacArthur, and Henry L. Stimson. Carpender was a 1908 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. He was commissioned an ensign in the U.S. Navy in 1910 and rose through the ranks until he retired as an admiral in 1946. During World War II he served as Commander of Destroyers, U. S. Atlantic Fleet; Commander, Southwest Pacific Force; Commandant, 9th Naval District.



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