Guide to the Lewis Condict, Doctor and Statesman, Papers
MG 67
The New Jersey Historical Society
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Newark, New Jersey 07102
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The New Jersey Historical Society, Publisher
Inventory prepared by Kim Charlton as part of the “Farm to City” project funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.
Finding aid encoded by Julia Telonidis. August 2005. Production of the EAD 2002 version of this finding aid was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Finding aid written in English.
Descriptive Summary
Creator: |
Condict, Lewis, 1773-1862. |
Title: |
Lewis Condict Papers |
Dates: |
1833-1837 |
Abstract: |
Consists of notes on New Jersey Revolutionary War veterans and their families collected by Condict primarily from pension applications submitted between 1833 and 1839. Most abstracts contain testimony concerning the applicant’s military service. A typescript copy is in the Halsey Collection (H 412). Printed in New Jersey Historical Society Proceedings, n.s., 5-10 (1920-25). |
Quantity: |
0.66 linear ft. (6 folders) |
Collection Number: |
MG 67 |
Biographical Note
Lewis Condict, the youngest child of Annie Byram (d.1826) and Peter Condict (1744-1774), was born in Morristown, New Jersey on March 3, 1773. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1794 and soon entered into medical practice in his hometown of Morristown.
He also entered public office, serving as sheriff of Morris County in 1800 and as a member of the New Jersey Assembly from 1805-1810, the final two years of which he was speaker. He next served as a U.S. congressman from 1811-1833 and then from 1837-1838 he again was speaker of the Assembly. During his time in office, Condict was appointed as a commissioner to settle the boundary dispute between New York and New Jersey and as a presidential elector (1840).
In addition to his medical and political career, Condict was active in a number of other areas. He was a trustee for the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) (1827-1861), the first president of the Morris and Essex Railroad Company (1825), a commissioner of the Trenton asylum, a founding member of the American Colonization Society, a member of the State Medical Society, chairman of the Reception Committee for General Lafayette at Morristown (1825), and an accomplished Latin scholar.
On October 6, 1798, Lewis Condict married Martha Woodhull (1781-1820), with whom he had ten children. On December 20, 1824, the widower Condict married Martina Elmendorf (1784-1851), with whom he had another daughter. Lewis Condict died on May 26, 1862 in Morristown, New Jersey.
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Scope and Content Note
The Lewis Condict Papers consist of a bound volume of notes on Revolutionary War pension applications taken by Lewis Condict between the years 1833-1837. In these notes, Condict attempted to outline and verify the war service of 122 applicants using each man’s own statements and/or the testimony of fellow soldiers. He then passed his findings along to the pension office where they approved or declined the application.
The notes are often under the headings “The case of…” or “Testimony of … in case of …” In addition, the application can be filed by the veteran’s widow under her husband’s name. Occasionally it is unclear to which case the notes are referring.The case notes are in no particular order and are not indexed. However, below is a list of the applicants whose names appear in the volume.
List of Pension Applicants in the Order They Appear:
Clark Miller;
R. Stanbury;
Jonathan H.Osborn;
Erick Ryno;
Daniel Hetfield;
William Clark;
Jacob Davis;
Henry Williams;
David Williams;
John Dunham;
Jacob Ludlum;
Nathan Elmer;
Joseph Doty;
Jacob Potter;
Amos Potter;
Abraham Harrison;
George Townly;
Nehemiah Day;
Aaron Hand;
James Kitchell;
Winans Harris;
Dennis Morris;
Nathaniel Whittaker;
Stephen Brown;
Jonathan Ruckman (?);
List of Pension applications sent to Pension Office in 1834;
Frazer Craig;
Aaron Thompson;
Isaac Tompkins;
John P. Baldwin;
Samuel Satphin (?);
Israel Lee;
Jacob Sisco (?) (b.1760);
Jos. Lyons;
Daniel Skellinger;
( ) Davis;
Peter Hendrickson;
John Hall;
John A. Hight (?);
Brown Brookfield (b.1760);
Samuel Reynolds;
Samuel Shipman;
Abraham Westbrook;
Stephen Baldwin;
Daniel Swayze;
Timothy Sanders (d.1827);
Thomas Hill;
Jno. Jerolman (?);
Joseph Sutton;
Nathan Lun;
Joseph Kinnan;
Victor King;
Jacob Thompson;
Richard Roff;
Aaron Roberts;
Robert Little;
Daniel Gerard;
Peter Marshall (?);
John Blower;
Frederick Moss;
Bethuel Farrand;
Benjamin Fairchild;
Samuel Parsons;
Simon Morham (?);
Philip Scudder;
Timothy Tuttle;
William Willis;
Benjamin Thompson;
Jacob Brookfield;
Richard Stevens;
Charles Wagner;
Josiah Hall;
Phineas Farrand;
Peter Beam;
Joseph Wood;
Thomas Larrison;
Israel Aber (?);
Tunis Felter (?);
Samuel Eston;
Alexander Duran;
Caleb Ward;
Benjamin Burt;
Jonas Ward;
Benjamin Alwood;
Phineas Chedister;
Artemas Day;
Jos. Johnson;
James Ketcham;
John Moreau;
Daniel Horton;
John Toland (?);
John Horton;
Daniel Cook;
Joseph H. Clayton;
Jonathon. F. Morris;
John McCarter;
John Wortman;
Samuel C. Seely;
John Jacobs;
Job Compton;
David Bedford;
Robert Pierson;
Cornelius Anderson;
Peter Dorlane (?);
William Radley;
Jacob Edwards;
David Erwin;
Moses Day;
Caleb Meeker;
William Willet;
( ) Kelsey;
John Baird;
Caleb Comstock;
John Stiles;
John Davison;
C.P. Christian;
Isaac Gurney;
A. Buck;
Samuel Allen;
Daniel Yard;
Stafford Wilson;
Henry Clark.
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Access Restrictions
There are no access restrictions on this collection.
Photocopying of materials is limited and no materials may be photocopied without permission from library staff.
Use Restrictions
Researchers wishing to publish, reproduce, or reprint materials from this collection must obtain permission.
The New Jersey Historical Society complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions and protects unpublished materials as well as published materials.
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Access Points
The entries below represent persons, organizations, topics, and forms documented in this collection.
Subject Names:
Condict, Lewis, 1773-1862.
Subject Topics:
Subject Places:
United States–History–Revolution, 1775-1783.
United States–History–Revolution, 1775-1783–Veterans.
Document Types:
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Related Material
Manuscript Group 123, Jemima Condict (1754-1779) Diary
Manuscript Group 324, Ruth W. Condict (1798-1815) Diary
Manuscript Group 348, Lewis Condict (1773-1862) Diary
Manuscript Group 454, Condit-Dodd Family Papers
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Administrative Information
Preferred Citation
This collection should be cited as: Manuscript Group 67, Lewis Condict Papers, The New Jersey Historical Society.
Acquisition Information
Gift of Joseph F. Tuttle.
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Container List
Volume of Notes |
Box |
Folder |
Title |
Date |
1 |
1 |
Single Volume titled: “Genealogical Notes of Various New Jersey Families Collected by Lewis Condict from Applications For Pensions and Other Sources” |
1833-1837 |
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