Manuscript Group 896, Adaline T. Allen (b. 1840), Student Papers, 1856 – 1869


896. ALLEN, ADALINE T. (b.
1840), student.


Papers, 1856 – 1869. 4 vols.


Diary, 1858-59, and class
notes, 1856-57, of a student at


Spingler Institute (formerly
Abbott’s Institute for the Education


of Young Ladies) in New York
City. Included is an abstract of


Thomas C. Upham’s
<1Elements ofMentalPhilosophy>1 and notes on


lectures given by Henry
Boynton Smith on “Aesthetics” and on


the “”Philosophy
of History.” Henry Boynton Smith (1815-77) was


a noted Presbyterian
clergyman and theologian who taught at


Union Theological Seminary
between 1850 and 1874.


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