Manuscript Group 902, Edwin A. Ely, (1836 – 1927), Collector, Lottery Ticket Collection, 1751 – 1794


902. ELY, EDWIN A.
(1836 – 1927), collector.


Lottery Ticket Collection,
1751 – 1794. 6 items.


Includes the following
tickets: (1) Trenton Church Lottery, signed by Robert Pearson, 1751;
(2) Connecticut Lottery for the College of New Jersey, signed
by Jonathan Dodd, John Lloyd, and Job


Stockton, 1753; (3) New York
Light-House and Public Lottery,


1763; (4) Faneuil-Hall
Lottery, signed by John Hancock, 1765; (5)


Mountain Road Lottery,
signed by George Washington, 1768; (6)


Society for Establishing
Useful Manufactures Lottery, printed by


John Woods, 1794. For
another collection of early lottery tickets


see MG1,I:1.


Bequest of Edwin A. Ely,


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