Guide to the City of Long Branch, New Jersey Documents 1892-1938 MG 1549
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![]() 1892-1938 52 Park Place Newark, New Jersey 07102 Contact: NJHS Library (973) 596-8500 x249 © 2005 All rights reserved. The New Jersey Historical Society, Publisher Inventory prepared by Stephen Yautz. Finding aid encoded by Julia Telonidis. April 2005. Production of the EAD 2002 version of this finding aid was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Finding aid written in English. Historical NoteThe territory that is the City of Long Branch, New Jersey, was settled by John Slocum, an associate of the patentees of the Monmouth Patent, issued in April 1665. By the mid-nineteenth century, Long Branch had become one of the foremost summer resorts in the nation. In the 1870s, this seaside community became the vacation destination for the most famous people of the day, including Edwin Booth, Jay Gould, Frederick Douglass and President Ulysses S. Grant. On September 19, 1881, President James A. Garfield died in Long Branch, while attempting to recuperate from wounds he suffered when Charles Jules Guiteau shot him on July 2, 1881, in Washington, DC. By the twentieth century, Long Branch had grown into a city that served as a popular destination that had a great variety of amusements along the boardwalk for summer vacationers as well as daily and weekend visitors from New York City. Scope and Content NoteThis collection consists largely of municipal bonds, bills and receipts, tax bills, various municipal ordinances, as well as financial reports issued by the City of Long Branch, New Jersey, dating from 1892 to 1938. The municipal bonds in the papers include a $1,000.00 bond for the Sanitary and Improvement Commission, issued on March 11, 1892, as well as a bond in the same amount for Ornamental Lighting Funding, which was issued on March 1, 1927. Also included is a $1,000.00 bond issued on August 1, 1938 for Jetty Improvement. The papers also contain bills and receipts paid by the City of Long Branch for fuel oil and for payment of emergency relief, which date from the years 1932 and 1933. There are also municipal tax bills, which assess the taxes for the year for the property owners, the Sea Board Utilization Company for the year 1916, and Mathias Woolley, for the year 1920. The municipal ordinances included in the papers deal with various issues spanning the years 1913 to 1934. Mostly, these ordinances provide for the construction of streets, curbs, and the naming of streets. One ordinance issued in 1934 called for the regulation of the storage and disposition of inflammable materials. Additionally, several financial reports prepared by the Comptroller’s office for the City Council ranging from Statements of Expenditures to a Revised Budget for the Fiscal Year 1912 are included in the papers. Payroll statements for the Beach and Parks Department, the Police Department, and the General Payroll complete the collection. Return to the Table of Contents Return to the Table of Contents Related MaterialManuscript Group 583, West End Fish Company (1893 – 1899) Records. Manuscript Group 750, Joseph Warren Greene, Jr. (1875 – 1939) Historian. Manuscript Group 827, Ocean Fishery Company (1893 – 1921) Records. Manuscript Group 1371, Albertype Postcard Negatives (1930s – 1940s). Manuscript Group 1386, New Jersey Places Slide Collection (1970s). Return to the Table of Contents Administrative InformationPreferred CitationThis collection should be cited as: Manuscript Group 1549, City of Long Branch, New Jersey Acquisition InformationThe source of this collection is unknown. Return to the Table of Contents Container List |