Guide to the Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom (Essex County, N.J. Branch) Collectionca. 1925-1994 MG 1633
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![]() ca. 1925-1994 The New Jersey Historical Society Finding aid encoded by Julia Telonidis. July 2005. Production of the EAD 2002 version of this finding aid was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Finding aid writtenin English. Historical NoteThe Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom was founded in 1915 in response to World War I. The WILPF works to achieve through peaceful means world disarmament, full rights for women, racial and economic justice, an end to all forms of violence, and to establish political, social, and psychological conditions which can assure peace, freedom, and justice for all. The Essex County Branch was founded in 1925 and reactivated in 1955 at a conference at Upsala College. The branch continues to operate with 50 members. Lauretta Freeman served as president in 1955 and served again in 2005. Many of the branch’s activities are based in Montclair and include current events discussions, letter writing sessions, voter registration drives, and funding scholarships. Return to the Table of Contents Scope and Content NoteThe collection consists of educational and informational pamphlets created or distributed by the WILPF, newspaper articles about events held by the Essex County branch of the WILPF and persons in the organization, documents detailing the day-to-day workings of the branch such as meeting minutes and newsletters, personal correspondence between members, bank ledgers and other financial documents, numerous group photographs of WILPF members, and WILPF promotional material dating from 1925 to 1994. Included also are pamphlets and documents related to the United Nations. Return to the Table of Contents RestrictionsAccess RestrictionsThere are no access restrictions on this collection. Photocopying of materials is limited and no materials may be photocopied without permission from library staff. Use RestrictionsResearchers wishing to publish, reproduce, or reprint materials from this collection must obtain permission. The New Jersey Historical Society complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions and protects unpublished materials as well as published materials. Return to the Table of Contents Return to the Table of Contents Related MaterialManuscript Group 572, Mary Philbrook (1872-1958), Women’s rights leader Manuscript Group 770, New Jersey Woman Suffrage Association. Manuscript Group 1051, Amelia Berndt Moorfield (b. 1876), Suffragist. Return to the Table of Contents Administrative InformationPreferred CitationThis collection should be cited as: Manuscript Group 1633, Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom (Essex County, N.J. Branch) Collection, The New Jersey Historical Society. Acquisition InformationDonated by Warren Grover, 2005. Processing InformationSome of the documents, especially the older meeting minutes and the newspaper articles, are brittle and torn; these materials should be handled with care. Return to the Table of Contents BibliographyWomen’s International League of Peace and Freedom. 19 July 2005. <> Return to the Table of Contents Container List |