Guide to the Newark, New Jersey Voting Registers 1812-1854 MG 265
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![]() 52 Park Place Newark, New Jersey 07102 Contact: NJHS Library (973) 596-8500 x249 © 2006 All rights reserved. The New Jersey Historical Society, Publisher Inventory prepared by Luis Delfino, June 2001, as part of the “Farm to City” project funded by a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Finding aid encoded by Julia Telonidis. March 2006. Production of the EAD 2002 version of this finding aid was made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Finding aid written in English. Historical NoteAs Newark, New Jersey changed from an agricultural producer and market village into an industrial town in the early half of the nineteenth century, its population grew to the point that changes in its governance were necessary. In 1833, there was no building large enough to contain a town meeting, and steps were made toward municipal incorporation drafting a town charter. In 1836, the town charter was adopted by election, and Newark was divided into four separate wards for political purposes, named the East, West, North, and South Wards, which were composed of smaller districts. By the 1850’s, the wards were divided further and given number designations. Elections in Newark were overseen by an election judge, and a number of election inspectors. Registration and vote counting was done by an election clerk. Return to the Table of Contents Scope and Content NoteThis collection consists of three voter registers: a citywide volume dating from 1812-1815, and two South Ward volumes dating from 1840-1842 and 1853-1854. Annual or bi-annual elections were held for offices such as electors of the President and Vice president of the United States, members of the House of Representatives, Mayor, Aldermen, Freeholders, Assessor, Sheriff, Town Council, General Assembly, School Committee, City Clerk, Surveyor, Coroner, and Election Judge. The citywide volume contains the names of registered voters in five elections and was kept by election clerk Silas Hayes (fl. 1812-1815). The volume from 1840-1842 for the South Ward contains the names of registered voters in four elections and was kept by election clerk James J. Carter (d. 1875). The last volume for the South Ward contains the names of registered voters in two elections and was kept by election clerk Moses B. Coe (1802-1871). Return to the Table of Contents RestrictionsAccess Restrictions**A PORTION OF THIS COLLECTION IS AVAILABLE ON MICROFILM. PLEASE CONSULT THE MICROFILM FIRST BEFORE REQUESTING TO VIEW THE ORIGINALS.** Photocopying of materials is limited and no materials may be photocopied without permission from library staff. Use RestrictionsResearchers wishing to publish, reproduce, or reprint materials from this collection must obtain permission. The New Jersey Historical Society complies with the copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code), which governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions and protects unpublished materials as well as published materials. Return to the Table of Contents Return to the Table of Contents Related MaterialManuscript Group 895, Bedminster Township, New Jersey Voting register Manuscript Group 945, Morris County, New Jersey Voting register Manuscript Group 1075, Paterson, New Jersey Voting register Return to the Table of Contents Administrative InformationPreferred CitationThis collection should be cited as: Manuscript Group 265, Newark, New Jersey Voting Registers, The New Jersey Historical Society. Acquisition InformationThese volumes were gifts of David A. Hayes and William A. Whitehead, date unknown. Return to the Table of Contents BibliographyAtkinson, Joseph. History of Newark. (William B. Guild, Newark N.J., 1878). Return to the Table of Contents Container List