Archives: Browse EAD Finding Aids

The following is a list of the EAD (Encoded Archival Description) finding aids available through the New Jersey Historical Society web site. For a complete list of the finding aids available electronically see Browse the Archives.

Production of the EAD version of these findings aids was made possible by a grant from The

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

       Browse EAD collections beginning with letters

A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |   |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M  |  N  |  O  |  P  |   |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z

      Collection Title

Manuscript Group

James Abeel, Deputy Quartermaster General Records, 1761-1819 MG 110
John Nelson Abeel and Gustavus Abeel Papers, 1786-1874 MG 959
Rosa M. Adam Collection, 1825-1850 MG 1669
James and William Alexander Papers, 1711-1909 MG 70
Arithmetic Books Collection, ca. 1805-1826 MG 65
Asbury Park Baby Parade Photos, 1911-1920 MG 1564
Ashfield Family Cookbook, [ca. 1720-1751] MG 63
Elijah and Elias Baldwin Shoemakers Account Book, 1760-1781 MG 73
Nathaniel Baldwin Shoemaker Account Book, 1769-1799 MG 74
Baldwin-Brown-Coe Family Papers MG 287
Baptist Church of the Middle Precinct of Cape May Minute Book, 1766-1792 MG 1236
Francis Barber, Revolutionary War Officer Orderly Book, 1779 MG 222
Barnes Neigert Marriage Service Booklet MG 1656
Captain Lyman F. Barry Papers, 1941-1947 MG 1543
Sally Ann Barton Exercise Book, 1822-1823 MG 757
William Barton, Continental Army Officer Journal, 1779 MG 232
Baseball Team Travel Journal, 1890 MG 1555
Batten, Pluma Papers, ca. 1940s-1950s MG 1156
Lewis Pintard Bayard Sermons, 1812-1816 MG 986
Jonathan Belcher Letters, 1731-ca. 1900 MG 39
Andrew Bell Papers, 1745-1866 MG 45
Belvidere Democratic Club Collection, 1955-1962 MG 1667
Berry Family Papers, 1813-1913 MG 1627
Joseph Black Papers, 1870-1877 MG 125
Bloom and Housel Family Papers, 1841-1878 MG 1621
Bloomfield Academy Minute Book, 1826-1831 MG 75
Governor Bloomfield Letter to Aaron Burr, 1802 MG 1651
Boggs Family Collection, 1737-1942 MG 27
Joseph Bonaparte Papers, 1816-1917 MG 62
Bordentown Friends Preparative Meeting Minutes, 1832-1860 MG 76
Thomas Jefferson Boyce Journal, 1829-1852 MG 55
L. E. Breland, Engrosser, Papers, 1942-1983 MG 1547
Catherine and George Brinckerhoff Copybook, ca. 1765 MG 77
Broad Street Club Papers, 1961-1991 MG 1538
Brooklyn Supply Store and Brooklyn Forge, 1788-1791 MG 78
James Emery Brooks Papers, 1819-1891 MG 1264
Lewis Brown Indenture, 1836 MG 1594
Isaac Browne Sermons, 1736-1784, 1848 MG 337
Caleb W. Bruen Record Books, 1804-1829 MG 79
Burlington County, NJ Birth Register, 1770-1785 MG 178
George E. Burns Diary, 1863 MG 1565
Aaron Burr Papers, 1755-1833 MG 34
Caldwell’s Young People’s Temperance Society, 1834-1836 MG 884
Camp Family Record Books, 1752-1837 MG 81
Carrington Family Papers, 1807-1927 MG 1461
Changed Lives : New Jersey Remembers September 11, 2001 Collection, 2001- MG 1600
Albert O. Cheney Letters, 1861-1865 MG 1534
Chester Twp. Overseers of the Poor Collection, 1799-1826 MG 85
Samuel F. Chetta Papers, 1975-1977 MG 1608
Christie-Thompson Wedding Memorabilia, 1912 MG 1557
Dorothy Snow Clark Teaching Documents, 1917 MG 1560
Joseph Clark, Revolutionary War Officer Papers, 1777-1783 MG 256
Grover Cleveland, U.S. President Collection, 1885-1935 MG 1607
Clifford Family Railroad Documents, 1928-1953 MG 1558
Sayers Coe Farmer Records, 1793-1911 MG 89
Mahlon M. Coles, Carriage Manufacturer, Papers, 1842-1892 MG 1590
Colony of NJ, Treasurer of the Western Division Records, 1762-1774 MG 239
Columbia Academy Records, 1813-1838 MG 1586
Jemima Condict Diary, 1772-1779 MG 123
Lewis Condict Papers, 1833-1837 MG 67
Conger Family Genealogy Collection, ca. 1880-1920 MG 1422
Continental Army Artillery Regiment Orderly Book, 1782 MG 225
Continental Artillery Brigade Orderly Book, 1779 MG 223
Cooke, Elisha, Farmer Account Book, 1745-1799 MG 220
Corey, Ashbel W. and Anna E. Papers, 1790-1904 MG 90
David D. Crane Receipt Book, 1786-1836 MG 52
Mary and Louise Curcio Collection, 1892-1987 MG 1636
Danville Presbyterian Church Record Book, 1831-1927 MG 269
Abijah Davis Oration, 1799-1882 MG 894
Richard Bingham Davis Book of Verse, [ca. 1790-1797] MG 93
Gilbert S. Davison Arithmetic Exercise Book, 1829-1830 MG 698
Elias Dayton, Revolutionary War Officer Papers, 1759-1783 MG 94
Mr. & Mrs. G. De Caycedo Papers, 1905-1921 MG 1553
John Denn Real Estate Records, 1784-1821 MG 1030
Edgar P. Deuell Papers, 1906-2003 MG 1645
M. F. Dickerson & Co., Dover NJ Records MG 98
Dickerson Iron Mine, Mine Hill, NJ Records, 1813-1842 MG 101
Mahlon Dickerson and Philemon Dickerson Papers, 1774-1922 MG 13
Rebecca Cadwallader Dickinson Account Book, 1809-1821 MG 277
John Dipper Papers, 1816-1838 MG 1127
Florence M. Disbrow Diary, 1908-1909 MG 1531
Dod Family Papers, 1867-1878 MG 1617
Amzi Dodd, Lawyer Papers, 1785-1840 MG 252
Elizabeth Dodge Album, 1824-1837 MG 296
Domin Family Papers, ca. 1920-1992 MG 1674
Janey Doney Photograph Album, 1941 MG 1605
Ralph Doremus, Merchant and Farmer Record Books, 1830-1855 MG 99
Joseph Eckley Sermons, 1776-1786 MG 323
Elizabethtown Library Company Records, 1792-1812 MG 838
Emma P. Ellis, Milliner, Collection, ca. 1890-1920 MG 1585
Episcopal Society of New Jersey for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge and Piety Record Book, 1811-1835 MG 893
Essex County, NJ, Tax Office Account Book, 1772-1780 MG 262
Essex County Anti-Slavery Society, 1839-1842 MG 187
Ewing Family Papers, 1792-1885 MG 283


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