Archives: Browse Estate Papers

Records of:

Manuscript Group

Estate auctions (Elizabethtown, NJ) 192
Estate auctions and inventories (Monmouth County, NJ) 282

Estate of:

Manuscript Group

Allen, Nathan (d. 1840) 1032
Allen, Samuel (will only, 1780) 1032
Alling, John (inventory, 1854) 482
Baldwin, Sylvanus 1012
Beach, David (1780-1830) 1012
Beach, Ephraim 591
Beach, Mary Emma 1219
Beach, Phebe (Tillou) 1012
Bogart, Hendrickie (Oothout) (1699-1764) (will only) 1077
Borden, Asher (d. 1845) 1032
Boudinot, Elie (d. 1702) (copy of 1700 will) 633
Boudinot, Elisha (1749-1819) 633
Bowman, David (will only, 1874) 1032
Burnet, William (fl. early 1700s) 574
Burnett, James W. (1789-1822) 1025
Carteret, Sir George 1218
Cheesman, William (d. ca. 1766) 491
Clutch, Samuel (d. 1801) 1032
Conger,  Samuel (1753-1826) 875
Conover, James (d. 1854) 1032
Crampton, William D. (fl. 1807-1828) 314
Dancer, Eliza (will only, 1874) 1032
Davis, Joseph (will only, 1827) 1012
De Bow, Susan (will only, 1876) 1032
Denman, Abby (d. ca. 1850) 915
Denman, Stephen (1758-1824) (will only) 904
Dodd, Silas (will only) 416
Drake, Anna (d. ca. 1887) 607
Ely, Alfred (1852-1914) (will only) 484
Fairchild, Helen Rutherfurd Ely (b. 1881) (will only) 484
Gibbs, Asa (d. ca. 1817) 775
Gildersleeve, Caleb D. (d. ca. 1892) 607
Hall, George A. (will only, 1868) 1032
Hall, James D. (d. 1869) 1032
Hayes, Samuel (1728-1811) 965
Hendrickson, Daniel (1736-ca. 1797) 282
Hetfield, Damaris (will only, 1808) 1012
Hetfield, Isaac (will only, 1803) 1012
Hewlings, Abraham (d. 1795) 1311
Holmes, John (1730-1804) 282
Holmes, John S. (1762-1821) 282
Horton, Daniel (fl. 1819-1835) 112
Howell, Benjamin (1725-1798) 591
Hunt, George (will only, 1796) 1207
Johnson, Barzillia (d. 1859) 1032
Johnson, Moses (will only, 1777) 1012
Kearny, Michael (1725-1797) 27
Kingsland, (General) George (1783-1866) 907
Kingsland, Mary C. (d. ca. 1891) 907
Knott, Samuel (will only, 1794) 1207
Lawrence, Julia (papers date from 1925-1939) 27
Lefferson, Arthur 574
Little, Thomas (1741-1810) 1207
Longstreet, Moretta (probate certificate only, 1753) 1207
McGuire, Lewis (will only, 1860) 1032
MacLaren, Donald C. (fl. 1902-1922) 824
Manning, Jeremiah (1736-1803) 1009
Manning, James 1009
Mead, Mary (d. ca. 1908) 624
Melick, Aaron (1725-1809) 898
Middleton, George (1800-1888) 1032
Montgomery, Robert (will only, 1827) 574
Morris, Robert (ca. 1745-1815) 27
Morris, Robert Hunter (ca. 1700-1764) 27
Mount, Michael (will only, 1823) 1032
Mulford, Timothy 19
Munn, Amos (1763-1805) 416
Nichols, Alexander (1809-1881) (will only) 1012
Nichols, Edwin (1800-1836) (will only) 1012
Nichols, Isaac (1773-1861) 1012
Nichols, James (will only, 1849) 1012
Nichols, Robert (1735-1814) 1012
Ogden, Elizabeth (will only, 1868) 624
Osborn, Silas (will only?) 19
Palmer, John (will only, 1860) 1009
Parker, James (1776-1868) 747
Parkhurst, Caroline (probate certificate only, 1876) 1012
Paul, James (will only, 1730) 282
Price, Daniel (1799-1892) 624
Price, George F. (ca. 1836-1893) 624
Randolph, Jeremiah Fitz (1728/29-1759) 1009
Randolph, Marian Fitz (d. 1938) 624
Reese, Catharine (will only, 1779) 836
Reeve, Sarah Caroline (Baldwin) (will only) 915
Riticar, John (wills only, 1786, 1791) 1207
Robbins, Charles (d. 1852) 1032
Robinson, Samuel (d. 1868) 1032
Rogers, Martha (will only, 1864) 1032
Rudyard, Thomas (will only, 1701) 282
Rutherfurd, Charlotte Livingston (1825-1894) 484
Rutherfurd, John (1760-1840) 308, 398
Rutherfurd, John (1810-1872) 484
Scott, Abbey L. 1139
Seabrook, Thomas Jr. (fl. 1844) (will only) 530
Smith, Hiram (1756-1832) 824
Spicer, Jacob (1716-1765) (will only) 59
Stout, Richard M. (will only, 1857) 1032
Sydenham/Sidman, David (1794-1825) 485
Sydenham, John (1714-1754) 485, 1010
Sydenham, John (b. 1748) 485
Tantum, Enos (d. 1862) 1032
Tantum, James (d. 1862) 1032
Terry, Nathaniel 112
Tichenor, Daniel (1748-1831) 181
Tilton, Abraham (will only, 1845) 1032
Todd, Nancy (d. 1847) 1032
Tomkins, Jacob (1773-1853) 678
Vanderbeck, John (will only) 1184
Van Horne, John (ca. 1702-1757) (will only) 1006
Vanmater, Joseph (wills only, 1788, 1790) 282
Webbers, Arnout (will only, 1784) 836
Wheeler, Caleb (ca. 1717-1793) (will only) 1007
Williams, Edward (d. 1845) 1032
Wright, Jefferson (will only, 1880) 1032


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